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Call for contributions

HERDSA Conference 2019

Next Generation, Higher Education: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities

2-5 July 2019. Auckland, New Zealand

Contributor submissions are now closed and not further submissions will be considered.

Please note: The HERDSA EXECUTIVE AUSTRALASIA have made a decision that full refereed papers will no longer be a format for presentations at HERDSA conferences.


Poster presentation

If your submission has been allocated to a ‘Poster Presentation’:

  • Bring your poster with you when you check in at the conference.
  • Posters should be A0 (841 mm x 1190 mm) paper in Portrait Orientation or A1 (594mm x 841mm) if landscape orientation. Please note, an A0 landscape poster will not fit on the board.
  • We will also supply velcro adhesive to fix your poster to the board.
  • There are no ‘allocated’ presentation boards.
  • During the poster session it is advised that you make yourself available near your poster to discuss the contents with any interested attendees.
  • If you wish to keep your poster, you must take it with you at the end of your poster session.  Any posters left after this time will be disposed of.

Poster submissions will be evidence-based and should outline the background/context and outcomes. Posters allow participants with similar interests to interact by using the poster as a discussion point.



Showcase presentation (refereed abstract)


Showcase submissions will be evidence-based and not only outline the initiative or practice being showcased but, equally, provide clear evidence of its effectiveness. Quantitative and qualitative evidence of effectiveness are equally acceptable.

A 300 word proposal must be submitted for consideration by the organising committee. In addition authors will be asked to provide an explanation of a maximum of 200 words showing how the presentation addresses one of the conference sub-themes.

The abstract should address the following:

  1. Background/context
  2. The initiative/practice
  3. Method(s) of evaluative data collection and analysis
  4. Evidence of effectiveness
  5. Background/context
  6. The issue
  7. Intended outcome

Abstracts will be evaluated by the conference organising committee. Abstracts for showcase presentations will be reviewed against the criteria of quality, relevance and standard of writing.

It is anticipated that showcase presentations will be allocated 25 minutes which will include 20 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion.




Roundtable submissions are an opportunity to debate current issues relating to the conference sub-themes in more detail.

A 300 word proposal must be submitted for consideration by the organising committee. In addition authors will be asked to provide an explanation of a maximum of 200 words showing how the debate addresses one of the conference sub-themes.

The abstract should address the following:

  1. Background/context
  2. The issue
  3. Intended outcome

Abstracts will be evaluated by the conference organising committee. Abstracts for roundtable presentations will be reviewed against the criteria of quality, relevance and standard of writing.

It is anticipated that roundtable will be allocated 25 minutes for debate.




A symposium will have a duration of 1 hour to engage in more detail with one of the conference sub-themes. The suggested format is for a small group to present a topic in a 10 minute segment, leaving the rest of the time for questions and discussion.

The group organiser must submit a 500-word proposal for consideration by the organising committee: 300 word must outline the topic and 200 words must detail how the symposium addresses one of the conference sub-themes.

The proposal submitted should address:

  1. Overview
  2. Target audience
  3. Intended outcomes for participants
  4. Outline of discussion format

It is expected that the group will facilitate discussion throughout the symposium.  Abstracts will be reviewed against the criteria of quality, engagement, relevance and standard of writing.


Mini workshop


A workshop has a duration of 1.5 hours and can be structured as a professional development opportunity to enable learners to engage in more detail with one of the conference sub-themes.

A 300 word proposal must be submitted for consideration by the organising committee. In addition authors will be asked to provide an explanation of a maximum of 200 words showing how the workshop addresses one of the conference sub-themes.

The proposal submitted should address:

  1. Overview
  2. Target audience
  3. Intended outcomes for participants
  4. Outline of activities

It is expected that the presenter will integrate activities, questions and discussion throughout the workshop.  Abstracts for the workshop will be reviewed against the criteria of quality, engagement, relevance and standard of writing.


Pre-conference workshop


Pre-conference workshops provide an opportunity to explore conference sub-themes in more detail. The number of workshop slots is limited.

A 300 word proposal must be submitted for consideration by the organising committee. In addition authors will be asked to provide an explanation of a maximum of 200 words showing how the workshop addresses one of the conference sub-themes.

The proposal submitted should address:

  1. Overview of workshop
  2. Target audience
  3. Intended outcomes for participants
  4. Outline of activities

Pre-conference workshops will be allocated 2.5 hours, plus a 30 minute tea break. It is expected that the presenter will integrate activities, questions and discussion throughout the workshop. Abstracts for workshops will be reviewed against the criteria of quality, engagement, relevance and standard of writing.


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